The Duchy School

Information for parents

School Day

  • School begins at 8.50am. We operate a ‘free-flow’ system in the mornings so that all pupils begin the day in a calm manner. The school gates are open from 8.40am and all pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 enter the building through the KS2 cloakroom doors between 8.40am and 8.50am. There is always a teacher present at the door who is happy to pass on any messages you may have for your child’s teacher. Foundation pupils wait with their parents by the Foundation gate which is opened at 8.50am;
  • Parents are requested to contact the school on 01392 881482 if a child is absent for whatever reason i.e. illness, medical/dental appointments before 9am;
  • School finishes at 3.30pm. Please wait in a position where your child can easily spot you. Foundation pupils exit via the double doors at the bottom of the path. Years 1 & 2 pupils are taken to the apparatus area in the playground. All pupils wait with the teacher until greeted by you;
  •  Please always inform your child’s teacher, or the school office, if you will not be collecting your child and have arranged for another adult to do so

Lunch Times

  • The lunch break is from 12.00 – 1.15pm for Foundation & KS1 pupils and from 12.15pm – 1.15pm for KS2 pupils.
  • All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are offered a free school lunch. The aim of the initiative is to bring about a significant increase in the numbers of children eating nutritious cooked meals at lunchtimes;
  • From Year 3 school meals will cost £2.50 per day. To be paid online via ParentPay;
  • During morning registration, the children will be asked what meal choice they would like from the menu (the menu can be found on our ‘School Meals’ page). We would be grateful if you could talk to your child each day to decide which option they would like before they arrive at school;
  • Alternatively, your child may bring a packed lunch from home;
  • Children will be given a drink of water to accompany their meal;
  • If your child brings a packed lunch, water can be supplied by the school kitchen;
  • In addition to their lunchtime drink, your child will be required to bring a named bottle of water to store in the classroom. Please note, this should be water only. All new pupils are given a free water bottle and free book bag on their arrival;
  • Where parents or carers are in receipt of either Income Support, Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Child Tax Credit (without Working Tax Credit) or Employment and Support Allowance (income related), you will need to apply for a free school meal entitlement, even if your child does not have a school meal. This is most important for the school as it has a direct benefit to the school’s budget and means that the school will receive additional funding in the budget to support your child’s education. The link to apply can be found on our ‘School Meals’ page

Break Times

Children can find break times a little daunting. We try hard to ensure that all new children are given as much support as they need during these times.

  • For morning break your child may bring a piece of fruit or vegetables (placed in a named bag/pot) as a snack which is stored in the class tuck box;
  • KS1 pupils will be able to have a piece of fruit provided by the free fruit for schools scheme;
  • Pupils are supervised at break and lunch times by our very capable team of Teaching Assistants who encourage ‘active break times’

School Uniform

Please see our ‘School Uniform’ page for more details. Please make sure all items of uniform are clearly named and your child knows where his or her name is on the item of clothing – particularly coats and jumpers or cardigans. Please check the name regularly if it has been written on as it does wash out quickly. Clothing should be easy for your child to undress/dress independently.

Please ensure that all items of clothing, footwear, snack pots, drink bottles and book bags are clearly labelled.


We administer prescribed and non-prescribed medicines in school only if the appropriate forms have been completed (please see ‘Key Forms’ page). This form along with the appropriate medicine must be handed into the school office by the parent/carer at the beginning of the day. This form also needs to be filled in for asthma sufferers who require their inhalers as and when. Inhalers and the forms are then kept in an area which is accessible during the school day with adult supervision. Please inform your child’s teacher of any medical conditions/allergies.