The Duchy School

Pupil Premium

Publicly-funded schools in England get extra funding from the government to help them improve the attainment of their disadvantaged pupils.

Evidence shows that children from disadvantaged backgrounds:

  • generally face extra challenges in reaching their potential at school
  • often do not perform as well as their peers

The funding is allocated to a range of initiatives aimed at supporting more disadvantaged pupils, to ensure they benefit from the same opportunities as all other children and to ensure that they reach their full potential. In addition to FSM the school may receive pupil premium for any ‘Looked after children’ (Children in Care), Armed Forces children or children who have been adopted, have a residency order or special guardianship.

Following the guidance produced by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), The Duchy School uses a tiered approach to Pupil Premium which focuses on improving teaching, targeted academic support and other wider strategies.

Teaching – This is our top priority for Pupil Premium spending and includes professional development to ensure that every teacher is supported to keep improving.

Targeted academic support – Linking structured one-to-one or small group intervention by teachers and teaching assistants to classroom teaching is a key component of our Pupil Premium strategy.

Wider strategies – Ways to support and overcome the most significant non-academic barriers to success in school, including attendance, behaviour and social and emotional support are also targeted through our Pupil Premium strategy.

Further information about this funding for schools can be found at:

Pupil Premium 2023-25