The Duchy School

Acorn Spring 2022

Parent Curriculum Information – Spring Term 2022

Outdoor Learning

This term we have been really excited to start weekly outdoor learning. We began by taking the time to explore the field, pond area and the vegetable patch. The children found numerous mini beasts and a few plants which we will be learning to identify. We spent time looking at what had been planted in the vegetable beds and talked about what we might want to plant in the future. The children have also begun to use simple maps to navigate around the school to find hidden objects. We are learning to identify some of the plants and trees growing in our school and at the end of January we are hoping to take part in the RSPB big bird watch so we can learn some bird species too. The children have enjoyed making some bird feeders to encourage birds to our school so hopefully we’ll attract a lot of hungry birds. It has been lovely to see some children that had been apprehensive about getting muddy getting stuck in. We’re looking forward to learning more about nature and how we can care for our environment. 

What a busy half term!  The children really enjoyed learning about the story of Noah’s Ark and were very engaged in follow up activities in the continuous provision to develop their knowledge of the story. Children have been busy pushing, pulling and pinching clay to make their pair of animals for the Ark.  Everyone has been busy measuring and using our new vocabulary. Our tall tower would just not stop growing!  Children had the opportunity to compose a piece of music using their bodies as percussion instruments. We had a little show where children were invited to perform their piece to the class. We have listened to lots of Traditional stories and especially enjoyed making our own Gingerbread men.   Check out some photos here!


The children have really enjoyed comparing Japan with the United Kingdom. First, we looked at Japan and the United Kingdom on the map of the world and found out that they are both made up of islands.  

The Role-play sushi restaurant was very popular. Children enjoyed trying to pick up objects with their chopsticks. The children made flags and had a go at writing numbers in Japanese.  

When we looked further into our non-fiction books we found out that Japan has lots of volcanoes and earthquakes. We then carried out an experiment in class and had a volcano eruption!  

We found out that the Japanese people travel miles to look at the beautiful cherry blossom in their country. We went for a walk around Bradninch and found our own cherry blossom. Back in class we then made our own cherry blossom pictures. Check out some photos here!

Church Visit

Acorn had a wonderful time on their trip to the church this week. Reverend Olly gave us a warm welcome and the children enjoyed exploring the church looking for things that made it special. The children spotted lots of fascinating things in the church and had lots of questions about them. They then listened carefully to the Easter story and enjoyed all the props that went along with it. The children had a lovely experience hearing Theo’s Dad playing Postman Pat on the organ and were very lucky to then all have a go playing the organ themselves! The children then sat outside enjoying a tasty hot cross bun and talked about the cross on the top that was linked to the Easter story.