The Duchy School
Andrews Summer 2022
Parent Curriculum Information – Summer Term 2022
The children in year one delivered a fantastic assembly sharing what they have previously learnt this year, what they are learning now, and what they are excited for in the summer.
The children developed their speaking and listening skills by projecting their voices and slowed down their pace to ensure the audience heard every word. During the assembly, the children told the story ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ by Judith Kerr and enjoyed acting parts out. A class favourite was when the tiger swallowed all the sandwiches in “one big mouthful. OWP!” The children shared what they had learnt in science by identifying parts of plants and saying why they are important. The children shared some interesting facts about Sir Francis Drake, reflecting on our current learning ‘Why is the history of my locality important?” The children stated that they are looking forward to sports day, future school disco’s and learning more songs during music.
We are all extremely proud of the children, we hope you are too.
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
Andrews class had a fantastic day celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. First the children started their day by decorating cupcakes in red, blue, and white. Later in the day the children explored the beautiful books gifted to them and learnt about the Queen’s family tree and talked about our own family trees. Our family trees are very different to the royal family, although we wouldn’t mind being called prince and princess, we enjoyed practising our royal waves! At the end of the day the children sang to parents and ate the cakes they decorated outside with family members around. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee and end the term. Thank you for joining in with our celebrations.
Number Bonds
I hope you can excuse the chalky clothes – we have been having fun learning outside. The children have been practising their number bonds to 10 and 20 in the lovely sunshine! The children have made links between number bonds to 10 and number bonds to 20. If 3 + 7 = 10 then 13 + 7 = 20 or 3 + 17 = 20.