The Duchy School

Andrews Autumn 2021

Our Class Name

In Year 1 we have been learning about our class name. We are named after an amazing artist called Kate Andrews. She lives in Devon and loves to paint the nature she sees around her. She even paints onto slate which we think is pretty cool! We were inspired by her painting and draw some pictures ourselves.  

Harvest Time

We have been learning about Harvest time in our local area. We found out that there are maize fields nearby. The forager chops the maize and puts it into the tractor’s trailer. We learnt that the maize feeds the animals in the winter.  We drew pictures of the machines at work. We also had a great time singing Harvest songs to our grown-ups in our Harvest assembly. 

Black History Month

Following on from our whole school assembly, we have been discussing Black History Month in class and why this is important to us. We researched a significant black figure from the past. We found it very interesting learning about Matthew Henson, the explorer, who made one of the first expeditions to the North Pole. 

Tiverton Museum Trip

During our History lessons the children have been learning about ‘changes within living memory’. We started our learning by exploring how toys have changed through time, from musical wind-up toys our grandparents would play with, to electronic interactive toys we have in our homes and at school. This led us to ask questions and discuss what materials our toys are made from today and why our grandparents didn’t have the same electrical toys. 

We were extremely grateful to be able to apply our learning into context when we attended Tiverton’s Museum. We saw a variety of toys and grouped them into different classifications as well as learn about and create our very own wooden peg dolls.  

Christmas Craft Morning

What a wonderful way to start the festivities and spread Christmas joy! We enjoyed creating Christmas cards, colouring winter themed images and getting our hands dirty making salt dough decorations. Andrew’s class certainly had lots of fun and we hope attending parents enjoyed the event too! It was heart-warming to see the excitement on children’s faces when the supporting grown-up were getting involved and encouraging the children. I would just like to say a huge thankful for your continued support and making effects like these a success. The year one team would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.